Thursday, March 10, 2011

Animals to use

Eight foot long, furred icthyophage precursor to whales.

Early swampland elephant with backward-curving tusks and short trunk

Swampland elephant with shovel-like lower teeth

Swimming sloth.

Giant Ground Sloth

Spike-tailed armadillo precursor

Heavily armored armadillo precursor

Terror birds
Carnivorous, bipedal birds up to seven feet tall. Some may have communicated by clapping their beaks open and shut.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Those Meddling Kids

The object of the game is to find the treasure hidden somewhere on each map. While you're searching, however, meddling kids are not only also trying to find the treasure but they're trying to apprehend you. As a result, you must also try to frighten them into giving up the search and give you time to find the treasure for yourself. Careful, though, if they get it together for long enough they may try to spring traps on you!

Different meddling kids are afraid of different things and have different degrees of resilience. Some will run away from a mouse; others won't flee until a man in an eight foot tall monster costume bum rushes them. Kids in a group are harder to frighten. Convince them to split up and misdirect them in order to make them more susceptible to your fear attacks.

Props set a tone for your interlopers and can creep them out. Effectively combining them with a costume can increase its believability and scare away kids. Using the wrong ones can punch holes in your identity and make them more credulous. Certain props produce effective results regardless of use.
Wacky Mirror
Quote-unquote Gypsy
Red Herring

Traps can separate and misdirect kids.
Rotating Bookcase
Trap Door
Automatic Ghost Projector
False signage
Collapsing Stairs
Easy Reach Light Switch
One-way locking doors

Meddling Kids
The Leader--He's guaranteed to make any group he's in split up to investigate multiple hallways. Easy to frighten when alone, but meeting an ally will strengthen his resolve.
The Amorous Couple--These two will sneak off to make out. Have a high threshold for terror while together but easy to spook if separated.
The Ditz--She'll pull a lever, push a button, and stand on a trap door. If there is a trap in the room she's guaranteed to find it and activate it. Careful leaving active traps around that you don't want her to spring!
The Plucky Girl Detective--Unflappable, difficult to scare, and practically impervious to many traps. Separate her from the group as soon as possible. Pair her with a Brothers Sleuth to make her more vulnerable to your tricks.
The Unsinkable Slacker--Low threshold for fear but rallies quickly. Careful when chasing him, he may be a decoy!
The Brothers Sleuth--These two are most effective when working together. Their ability to notice traps is high unless there's a girl in the group.
The Gumshoe--
Reversed fear modifier; will immediately leave unless frightened. Lead him away from suspicious clues as quickly as possible.